The 5th Kyoto Course on Computational Genomics & Neurepiomics Workshop (2017 Nov. 6th-9th)
Computations genomics workshop in Kyoto coorganized by BRIDGET partners.
- 27/04/2018
The 4-day training course and workshop will provide a practical introduction to genomics analysis in human genetics with a focus on applications in the neurosciences and neurological disease. The course provides attendees with a unique opportunity to interact closely with the world-leading researchers who serve as instructors.
Date: Monday, November 6 – Thursday, November 9, 2017
Venue: Lecture Room, Med-Pharm Collaboration Building 1F, Kyoto University, Yoshida Shimoadachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8304, Japan (Pharmaceutical Sciences Campus)

Topics: Design of genetic epidemiology studies for neurological related traits, use of imaging data in genetic studies, advances in next generation sequencing and data analysis, combining genetics with epigenomics, metabolomics and microbiome studies for neurological traits, and Mendelian randomization methodology.
Course organizers: S. Debette (U. of Bordeaux), K. Higasa (Kyoto U.), Y. Kamatani (Kyoto U.), M. Lathrop (McGill U.), F. Matsuda (Kyoto U.), S. Seshadri (Boston U.), R. Yamada (Kyoto U.)
Instructors: H. Adams (Rotterdam), J. Bis (Seattle), M. Bourgey (Montreal), G. Bourque (Montreal), D. Chasman (Boston), F. Crivello (Bordeaux), S. Debette (Bordeaux), A. de Stefano (Boston), C. Dufouil (Bordeaux), M. Dumas (London), M. Fornage (Houston), Y. Kamatani (Kyoto), H. Klein (New York; TBC), L. Launer (Bethesda), J. Majewski (Montreal), P. Matthews (London), I. Ragoussis (Montreal), S. Seshadri (Boston), N. Timpson (Bristol), C. Tzourio (Bordeaux), C. van Duijn (Rotterdam).
Attendees: The course is aimed principally at advanced doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers who need to apply genomic approaches in neurology or other medical areas. Applicants will be selected based on description of their background and future research projects to be submitted when applying the course. The number of attendees will be limited to a maximum of 30. Those who intend to participate in the training course, please apply first using the application form on our website.
Course fee: Academic: 30,000 yen; Non-academic: 60,000 yen. Fees include accommodation and meals but not transportation costs.
Application deadline: September 30, 2017