P2: Medical University Graz, Austria

Helena Schmidt is Professor for Genetic Epidemiology & Susceptibility Diagnostics. She is Head of the Research Unit Genetic Epidemiology and Vice-Chair of the Institute of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry at the Medical University of Graz. Her group includes 2 PhD students, 4 MSc students and 5 research staff. She is also heading the Neurogenetic Laboratory at the University Clinic of Neurology, Medical University Graz. She was the Speaker of the PhD Program “Brain Aging” at the Medical University Graz (2007-2014). Her research is focusing on genetic and life-style factors of age-related functional and structural changes of the brain. She is leading the genetic studies in frame of the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study and the PRODEM Study (Prospective Dementia Registry Austria). Her laboratory performs high throughput DNA analyses for over 2 decades including rtPCR, microarray analyses and next generation sequencing. She is a member of the CHARGE Consortium, the Social Science Genomics Consortium (SSGAC), the International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC), the International Genomics of Alzheimer´s Project (IGAP) and the Alzheimer Dementia Sequencing Project of the National Institute of Aging (ADSP).
Research Unit "Genetic Epidemiology"; Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Medical University Graz;
Harrachgasse 21,
8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
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