P4: University of Greifswald, Germany

Hans Jörgen Grabe, Professor of psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University Medicine of Greifswald. Since 2002 he is vice-chair of the Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Greifswald; since 2006 professorship; since 2012 co-speaker of the research net «Community Medicine» at the University Medicine Greifswald and speaker and coordinator of the research net «GANI_MED». Research: Family studies of obsessive-compulsive disorder, studies on personality traits, emotion-regulation, genetic epidemiology. I have been funded for my family-based research in OCD, gene-environment interaction in depression, for genome-wide association studies, for a longitudinal family study on substance abuse, epigenetics and for research in the field of individualized medicine. Since 2010 we are member of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders (DZNE) and we are conducting a large field trail on dementia care in Germany (Delphi). Since 2008 I have been active in international consortia like CHARGE, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) and ENIGMA for genomic research in brain imaging. Dr. Grabe obtained 9 major research grants (total: 4,4 M€) and is recipient of the prizes from the German Society of Psychotraumatology, the DeGPT-Prize of the Falk-von-Reichenbach-Foundation, the Franziska-Tiburtius Prize
Medical University of Greifswald
Ellernholzstrasse 1-2
D-17475 Greifswald
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