P6: University of Edinburgh, UK

Ian Deary is a psychiatrist, academic psychologist with expertise in cognitive abilities, cognitive ageing and cognitive epidemiology. He researches on how ageing affects cognition and health across the life course, and how cognition affects health, illness and mortality. He has led major international studies on the genetic and epigenetic contributions to cognitive functions and cognitive ageing. He has led major longitudinal studies on structural brain imaging and cognitive ageing. He has prolifically published on these topics over the past decades. The work on cognitive ageing is mostly based on the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936, which he directs. He founded and directs the Center for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, which is funded by the U.K. Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Initiative and is administered by the UK’s Medical Research Council. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the Association for Psychological Science. He has extensive experience studying cognitive abilities, performing extensive cognitive testing on older individuals in large cohort studies, and working with neuro-imaging, other bio-medical and genetic data. He is an elected Fellow of the British Academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and the UK’s Academy of Medical Sciences.
Other key investigators
- Joanna Wardlaw, MD PhD, Professor and Director or the Neuroimaging Sciences and Brain Research Imaging Centre, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences (CCBS)
- Riccardo Marioni, PhD, Chancellor’s fellow, genetic and epigenetic statistician, Centre for Cognitive Aging and Cognitive Epidemiology
- Mark Bastin, PhD, reader in Brain Imaging, CCBS
- James Prendergast, PhD, head of Edinburgh bioinformatics
- John Starr, MD, Honoray Professor of Health & Ageing, Director, Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre, Co-Director, Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology
- Michelle Luciano, PhD, genetic epidemiologist at the School of Philosophy Psychology and Language Sciences
- Simon Cox, PhD, Research Associate at the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology.
Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, Department of Psychology,
University of Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh
EH8 9JZ, Scotland, UK
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